Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sorry Sorry

Dear people who care about me or are mildly interested in my Peace Corps service,

I apologize for being a terrible blogger. To make it up to you, I've made a half-hearted new years resolution to blog more often. But you know how new years resolutions go...

I realized that one of the reasons I haven't blogged is the same reason why I think some people haven't written me: By now so much time has passed, there are so many things I/you should tell about that the task of blogging (or letter writing) seems too big. It'd take forever to catch up on everything, but it seems weird just skipping all those months.

Well, I would still very much like to receive a letter, even if it just has a few highlights of the past year and then tells me what's going on now. Therefore, I resolve to attempt to get back to blogging. I figure a little something in January is better than nothing since September. Hopefully you agree.

My apologies (in Zamlish: Sorry sorry),


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