Thursday, August 28, 2008

no, i don't, but i think i like it anyway

(February 8, 2010: I wrote the following posts ages ago. I don't necessarily feel the same way now, but I thought I'd leave them since that's how I felt at the time.)

I really like my green layout. and after my post about wanting to be interesting/not boring, it was indeed quite uninteresting. i think that's a risk i'm just going to have to take. and besides, i'm not actually asking people to read this. or even telling anyone it exists yet. not sure if i even will. maybe when it becomes my peace corps (or other adventure) blog.
I need a better name for it too. it must be clever.

I wrote up the following tonight while i was sitting at Kaldi's, half working on my peace corps essays. i actually did finish one, so that's exciting. now i just need to rework the other one a bit and get someone else to look at them. and then decide who i'm asking for references. anyway, i actually came up with this yesterday, when everything at work seemed to be failing miserably. but it probably won't make sense unless you, the unfortunate reader, happen to also study or work with fungal pathogens. because they're really oomycetes anyway.

This week's work "epiphany":
from growing Phytophthora capsici zoospores: I was going along, growing and releasing zoospores, sticking some LiCl in and thinking everything was fine. going along doing the same thing and fully believing I had it down, that everything was good and easy. yeah right. they weren't doing well at all. and i had been completely leaving out some really important steps.

life can be like that. going along, doing my thing, thinking things are going well, that i've got everything together. then wait a minute, things are a mess and I didn't even realize it. except i don't really have a situation where that actually happened. i feel like i know when things are yucky in life. and they're never really that yucky anyway. maybe this is a premonition. shudder.....

after spell check, i realize i don't like to capitalize I's very much. but i don't think i care.

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